Saturday, November 8, 2008


First it was a good day, I slept in and didn't go to school which felt great!!
I hang out with Shana,Greg,Mike,Steven and Sam! We went for sushi.It wasn't that good, but then we got bubble tea which was amazing!! I got watermelon with rainbow jellies!! Sam and Mike had it for the first time!! We then after went and saw a movie, which was pretty good !  Jessica and Chelsea and these 2 other girls had joined us!! And  we had Starbucks after!! Yay for Starbucks!! I was kinda hyper after, he he.. but  I love Starbucks!! It is just sooooo good! But yea I relaized you keep your friends close, and these are the moments and memories that you are going to remember forever! I love my friends, especially our little group! But Steven left today to go to Mexico. lucky bumm!!! He is gunna come back all tan .. So jealous lol, But I bet Sam is more jealous because she is so white... hehe. 

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